Goble Pile Check (GPC) was pioneered by the late professor George G. Goble, Ph.D. - the father of Dynamic Load Testing (DLT). Dr. Goble is the founder of both PDI and GRL.

GPC is the wireless pile driving analysis (PDA) system of the 21st century - performed in accordance with ASTM D4945.


GPC system is supported by the three most powerful programs in the world, far superior to any existing programs by competitors. The three programs are:

GPC Boxes
Ver 1.3 & 1.4

14. GPC training (public video)

GPC Wireless (not public video)

GPC Wireless (not public video)

Presentation (not public video)

Some of the features of the GPC system:

Drs. George Goble (the father of modern Dynamic Load Test - DLT) and Thai Nguyen @ Jacksonville, Florida GPC testing site, December 2012.

Dr. Goble's first generation of DLT was born in the 1970s (Pile Driving Analyzer®). And GPC was his last generation of DLT, before he passed away in 2017: https://rb.gy/nz5tl

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