The aging of water resources infrastructure in coordination with population increase and public demand for better quality systems that are sustainable have made this market a focal point for H2R. Our services start with a complete understanding of the project goals, and our services are provided with the specific purpose of supporting them. Our fleet of equipment has been evaluated and meets the environmental needs mandated by these projects. The experience of working on many of the largest water resource projects in the State over the past 40+ years provides our clients with unique and unmatched experiences in value engineering, water resources design, and construction services that result in meeting project goals.

Featured Projects
Herbert Hoover Dike Reach 1 Cutoff Wall

Williams Earth Sciences, now known as H2R Corp, as a subcontractor to Bauer Foundation, the prime contractor, was contracted to provide the full range of QC services including cutoff wall logging, field sampling and laboratory testing of the excavated soils and the soil-cement mix and the Verification Borings, with Borehole Logger for acceptance of the wall.
Norris Cut Tunnel

H2R provided soil cement design support services for the deep soil mixing to Nicholson Construction. Tasks for this phase of work includes specialty geotechnical engineering and field services including soil-cement coring, laboratory testing, and other services including construction quality control, downhole camera services, and in-situ permeability testing.
C-44 Reservoir/STA Project, Contract 2

H2R Corp delivered comprehensive services to Barnard Construction for this large above ground reservoir project, at the time, the largest completely above-ground reservoir of its kind. Services included construction inspections, materials testing, geotechnical engineering, value engineering, data management, subsurface explorations, and instrumentation services.